Hurstpierpoint Weather Today

 Latitude N 50° 56' 11"    Longitude W 00° 10' 47"    Elevation 120 ft

This page shows a summary of todays and yesterdays data based on the meteorological day ending at midnight.

Today's and Yesterday's data
Temperature & HumidityTodayYesterday
High Temperature 9.8 °C at 11:57  9.5 °C at 12:30 
Low Temperature 6.8 °C at 20:59 7.8 °C at 23:55
High Dewpoint 8.6 °C at 11:40 8.7 °C at 12:30
Low Dewpoint 3.6 °C at 16:48 6.2 °C at 00:00
High Humidity 97% at 05:41 95% at 11:16
Low Humidity 76% at 14:22 87% at 00:00
Rainfall 0.0 mm 0.0 mm
Rainfall Rate Max 0.0 mm/hr at 00:00 0.0 mm/hr at 00:00
Highest Hourly Rainfall 0.0 mm at 00:00 0.0 mm at 00:00
Highest Gust 10.5 mph Bearing 180° at 11:22 65.6 mph Bearing 338° at 19:23
Highest Speed (10 min average) 6.4 mph (F2) at 11:24 3.6 mph (F2) at 09:11
Dominant Wind Direction SE Bearing 146° SW Bearing 224°
Wind Run 28.9 miles 25.2 miles
High Pressure (SL) 1034.7 hPa at 19:45 1034.8 hPa at 10:26
Low Pressure (SL) 1032.7 hPa at 04:48 1032.7 hPa at 03:51

Page updated 16/01/2025 21:10:01
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (10992)